Wednesday, July 09, 2008

What Powers Does Government Have?

I like when I read something and it ignites the ole mind. Sometimes it ignites an idea inside of me that has absolutely nothing to do with what I read. I also like talking to people.

The other day a coworker of mine shared how he was tired of all the junk going on politically and how he wanted something to be done about it. I agreed.

I wonder how much politically is just hot air and how much will actually affect me and my family. I recently-ish became a dad for the first time. Wow what an awesome experience. My new child with my beautiful wife has made me happier than I could have ever imagined. I love more than I have ever loved. I thank my Heavenly Father.

Is the moral fabric of this country falling apart because people want it that way or because the majority isn't doing anything about it? Can they do anything about it?

All those thoughts are mostly independent in context but to me tie to what the title of this post is and what I'm going to write about next. What powers does government have?

I have recently read an article that argued for what most people consider as political conservatism. It argued that government should only have the power to protect our rights to life, liberty, and property and that government should not (or could not rightfully) infringe upon one of those rights to supposedly fulfill one of the other rights. It also argued that government should be servant to the people and not the other way around.

Is that how it should be? If so should we be looking toward the government to fill all our needs or justify our desires, which appears to me to be the case today?

The founding fathers of the United States of America said our rights came from the Almighty. They also said that it was the government’s job to protect those rights.

It seems to me that it wasn't the government's job to decide what was right and what was wrong but to uphold the rights of each citizen that were not even ours to give or take from ourselves but given to each one of us by our Supreme Creator. I don't think government should decide what is right and what is wrong for the people it serves. Is this a correct train of thought?

In the end governments fall and governments rise. We as human beings are seeking the best way to govern ourselves. I just do not feel that the government is greater than those who create it. That leads me to what may well be my next post. The question of where do correct principles come from and where do they not come from. In other words what is right and what is wrong and what is the source?


Biz said...

Welcome Back to the blog world. Excellent blog. I couldn't agree more when you said gov't protects our rights. Not decided what is and is not right. Though nowadays, I wonder how much of us talking about gov't is wasted breath?

merrilykaroly said...

Very thought-provoking post. I find myself sitting back to wait and see what other people are doing to change things, but not doing anything about those things myself.

Anonymous said...

The government is exactly what "we the people" made it. Unfortunatly, there traditionally are not enough "we the people" speaking up. Government officials seem to be listening to somebody when they make policy, regulation or judgements. But I'm afraid that those people are really a small but vocal segment of our citizenship. On the other hand, silence is agreement so maybe the majority are happy with where the government has gone. I don't think that is truly the case, but it seems to take a crisis before the masses will revolt in some form to make there true beliefs known. Knowing correct principles and acting on them are very different things.

Unknown said...

I agree with Brent!

I agree that our government is far different from how the founding fathers envisioned it. I won't even argue otherwise. The thing I am not sure about: is that a good thing or a bad thing. When the founding fathers drafted their famous and hallowed document, they were 13 colonies that were very independent and defensive of their individual rights. The states' rights was held as important and only to be trifled with in the gravest of circumstances. But only some of the founding fathers believed in Federalism. There were others who wanted a more unified, powerful central government. What do we have now? States, but the states are only sovereign in some areas, and those areas seem to be fading fast... is this a good or bad thing? How important are states rights right now? Does it make such a big difference anymore if you come from alabama or New York city? I think America is much more of the "melting pot" or "salad bowl' or whatever you call it now, and so we really identify ourselves more as Americans.

Sorry, went off on a tangent. I guess my short statement would be, I believe government IS the people. I don't really think of it as "other." It is what we make it. IN a perfect world, everyone would be participating in creating it, so that everyone's rights are represented... so my real motivation is to get people to participate, not so much to limit government's role. Yeah.

Josh said...

the fizz:

Recently I have often felt that talking about government is just wasted breath. But then I realized it doesn't have to be. It's only wasted when we give up. I refuse to lose hope for keeping (and maybe even reverting back to) a free America.


I find myself doing that too often too. I'm tired of complaining or criticizing without bucking up and putting my money where my mouth is. btw you're hot.


I agree, they are two different things. I'm tired of small groups deciding how my government will be run and want to search out truth regarding life and government and speak out for it. A lot of the time I think it takes doing.


Our culture and governments are changing. But I wonder what change is good and what change is bad? And mostly I wonder what principle(s) is government suppose to hold to no matter what? Do those principles exist? Is the only principle that everyone should take an active part? As long as that happens government will run how it should?

Thank you all for your comments. I loved them. I like hearing and discussing peoples ideas, especially about things that affect how we live our lives.